Impact Letter from CASA of Yellowstone County

We recently received the following letter from a CASA in Yellowstone County, Montana. CASAs are Court Appointed Special Advocates who volunteer their time to advocate for youth in foster care as they navigate the court system.

We wanted to share this one because it expresses the impact receiving a Comfort Case has on children in foster care. Your support, whether you volunteer or donate money or supplies for our Comfort Cases, really makes a difference in the life of a child entering care.

"It is well known that children who find themselves in the care of Child Protective Services endure unspeakable losses.  As CASAs we provide a voice for children who, through no fault of their own, often find themselves living in a strange house with strangers with few, if any, of their personal belongings to comfort them. The backpacks that you so generously provide are filled to the brim with lots of tangible stuff that kids love including pajamas, blankets, books, toys, stuffed animals, toiletries... They smile as they eagerly open the zipper and begin to empty the backpack taking time to examine and cradle each and every item one at a time.  They will often ask, “Is this all for me?”  However the greatest and most precious gift in that backpack is for that child to know that someone cares about them and that they have not been forgotten.  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all that you do for the most vulnerable children among us!" - Mary Ann Morehead.

From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely thank you for your continued support of our mission. Together, we are bringing dignity and hope to youth entering the foster care system.

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