Donation Ideas for Our 6th Annual Gala Auction

It’s that time of year again, our 6th Annual Comfort Cases Gala is right around the corner!

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The Gala is our biggest night of the year - a night for us to raise funds and increase awareness about the services we provide for youth in foster care.

We are currently undergoing several programmatic expansions to positively impact the lives of the 437,500 children in foster care across the country. In order to turn these efforts into reality, we are in need of gifts filled with creative kindness for our Gala’s auction. 

Can you donate a product or service to help children in the foster care system? All donations are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. Your donation can be something as simple as a gift certificate or as glamorous as vacation stay.

If you are interested in donating an auction item but don’t know where to start, here are some ideas for inspiration.


Almost everyone has a service - or knows someone who has a service - that they can offer. Are you a chef? You could donate a catered dinner for the lucky winner to use for a small get together. Are you a photographer? You could offer a photography package as an auction prize. Are you a florist? Someone may need flowers for an upcoming event. The possibilities are endless!


Travel packages are some of the most popular auction items at our Gala. If you have a beach house or time share, consider donating a week’s stay for the Gala auction. If you work for an airline or car rental company, vacation transportation would make a fabulous donation. If you work for a hotel chain or know someone who does, consider donating a stay at your hotel. Travel accommodations make excellent additions to our auction. 


Everyone loves going out to dinner and our Gala attendees are no exception. A donation of a gift certificate or gift card to your favorite restaurant would be a great item for the auction.


Some of our most popular auction items are experience packages. You could donate tickets to a sporting event, concert, or live show, passes to an amusement park or museum, dance lessons, skydiving, or any adventure you can think of! Fun experiences are always attractive to our Gala guests.

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Wine pull

We are really excited to be doing a “Wine Pull” again this year at the Gala. To make this happen, we are asking for donations of wine bottles valued at a minimum of $25 per bottle. If you or a friend have a knack for selecting tasty wines, please consider contributing to our wine pull. 

Donated auction items are vital to our fundraising success at the Gala. Your contributions will help make this Gala the best that it can be. Donate generously, knowing that every item generates funding to impact children in foster care.

Simply fill out the auction donation form below or email Julia Beattie at and we’ll handle the rest.

Thank you for your generosity!

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