How Comfort Cases Make a Difference for Youth Entering Foster Care

Today is National Make a Difference Day, so we wanted to share some of the impact statements we receive from child welfare agencies all over the country that distribute our Comfort Cases to youth entering foster care. The items in our Comfort Cases really do bring comfort, hope, and a sense of dignity to children during a very traumatic experience. The new pajamas and personal care items also help the foster parents get through the first night with a new child in their home.

As always, we appreciate your generous donations, and we hope these messages will inspire you to continue supporting our mission and spreading the word about Comfort Cases.

WE LOVE THEM! These adorable backpacks were such a hit when we passed them out to children in foster care at a recent meeting. A 6-year-old girl's face lit up when she got her brand new backpack *AND* matching lunch box. She was so happy and her joy was palpable. It was so special. The backpacks are adorable and filled with age appropriate, quality items that will be well used and well loved. The Comfort XLs were a huge hit with DSS, they were so excited to have large duffel bags to send new placements with. Foster Parents were excited to have something to put their child's belongings in as they moved on or even just to store things.


Greenwood Foster Parent Association

Greenwood, South Carolina

It is very clear that the Comfort Cases are stuffed with love. Staff were overjoyed to open the cases to see the contents- all of which are brand new. The children we serve rarely have brand new items of any sort. We just received the cases yesterday afternoon and, knock on wood, have not had any children to give them to yet. However, when we do, we are confident that children will be treated in the most trauma- informed manner possible- and with the dignity that they deserve. We cannot even begin to thank you enough for what you're doing for our kiddos!

Mecosta/ Osceola DHHS

Big Rapids, Michigan

The smiles on the children's faces when seeing brand new items given to them spoke volumes. Having things that belong to them and to take with them captures the essence of the name Comfort Cases. Our agency is no longer scrambling to find essentials when a child/family is in crisis. Our agency and community cannot thank you enough.

Menominee Tribal Family Services

Keshena, Wisconsin

We just received the packages and our staff is so happy! Quote from a foster parent "This is so awesome; what a great resource for our kiddos!" We plan to use them for respite, when new kiddos come into our program, and we will provide them to our foster families. We are so excited that we can order more and tailor our order to what we need at the time. Thank you so much for what you do!

Accelerator YMCA - YMCA of Greater Seattle

Seattle, Washington

The Comfort Cases and Comfort XL have been essential to the children we work with during the hard transition of being moved from parents to foster care. The children have been so excited to receive a new back pack and so happy about the contents inside. These Comfort Cases have eased the pain and brought them comfort and a feeling of security. Thank you!


Albany, Oregon

These are just a handful of the hundreds of messages of gratitude we have received, and we could not do this without you. Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of children entering foster care!

If you work for a child welfare agency and would like to request Comfort Cases, please click here.

If you would like to support our mission by becoming a Bag Buster for $10 a month, click here.

If you would like to make a donation from our Amazon Wish List, click here.

If you would like to organize a Donation Drive in your area, click here.

You can also help us make a difference by sharing this post and following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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