Comfort Cases Have Arrived in Franklin County, Pennsylvania

Comfort Cases have arrived in Franklin County, Pennsylvania!

We receive letters every day from partner agencies all over the country. This one is particularly powerful, so we wanted to share it with you. Comfort Cases continue to be distributed to all 50 states, DC, and Puerto Rico. We could not do this important work without our volunteers and supporters. Thank you for making it possible for us to bring dignity and hope to children entering foster care.


I am the Administrative Officer for Franklin County Children and Youth Service in Chambersburg, PA. We just received our second shipment of Comfort Cases and also this time we received numerous Comfort XL Duffel Bags.

All boxes arrived in good condition and we had no issues with the contents of the cases and/or duffel bags. The bags were so colorful and it will be so helpful to provide the children coming into care with something of their own.

This is an awesome support that your organization shows to 'our children' everywhere. We had one young man come 'back into care' (because we do take children up to the age of 21, if they meet certain criteria) by his choice (which is always an option when some choose to leave care at the age of 18 thinking they can make it on their own, and then realize that it isn't possible). He had all of his belongings with him in a black trash bag and came into the Agency to ask if he could go back into care because he wasn't able to make it on his own with no support. I immediately went and got one of your Comfort Cases that had a Comfort XL duffel bag in it and we were able to fit all of his belongings into the two bags. He was so surprised and appreciative when I told him that these bags were his to keep - that we didn't want them back, they were now his. He asked twice and told me that he would get them back to me, to which I replied that they were his to keep.

Thanks again for all of the hard work and support you are providing to the children. It is greatly appreciated by our staff.

Emily E., Administrative Officer

Franklin County Children and Youth Service

You can provide a Comfort XL to a child entering foster care for just $10 a month. Become a #BagBuster and every month a Comfort XL will be given to a child like the one in this letter. Click here to make a donation.

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