No More Trash Bags at Upbring Krause Children's Center

The following Impact Statement was written by Alicia Jarrett, Director of Community Engagement at the Upbring Krause Children’s Center in Katy, TX.

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We would like to share our GREATEST appreciation to you for allowing us to participate in your incredible program. The Comfort Cases and Comfort XL (especially the Comfort XL) have been such an incredible blessing and gift to the young ladies we serve. We’d been using donated bags and trying to purchase them for the girls and literally have never been able to locate bags as large as the ones you provide. EVERY child that has completed her treatment and left our care, has received one of each bag. This is such an incredible blessing and I just wanted to say thanks!

Our case managers fight over the Comfort XL bags that we have whenever a child is leaving care. The girls bring everything that they own with them into residential care. If we don't have a duffel bag large enough to fit their things, they have to leave their belongings here and we ship them to their new placement.

For these kids, that is so heartbreaking to be transitioning to a new home (a foster home where you don't know anyone) and have to leave your belongings behind and wait to have them shipped to you. The Comfort Cases are also very special. When these young girls go into their new placement, the hygiene items and PJs are especially important, they don't have to have their first conversation with new foster parents be around needing hygiene items, the Comfort Cases provide those things for them.

They are also very appreciative to receive a goodbye gift in the form of these cases to take with them on their journey that can be challenging for them.

Thank you for serving these incredible young people and giving them something that may seem small but can be a HUGE weight off of their shoulders and a reminder that they are valued and they don't have to carry their belongings - that are all they have in the world - in trash bags, because it isn't trash.

Alicia Jarrett

Our mission is to completely eliminate trash bags from the foster care system and provide every child with a Comfort Case and Comfort XL. You can support our efforts by making a donation today.

We love hearing about the positive impact our Comfort Cases and Comfort XL are having on youth in foster care. We also welcome articles and stories from youth in foster care, foster parents, volunteers, or anyone who feels compelled to share their thoughts with us. Please email